時間:2016-01-18 22:22 分類:英文網(wǎng)名 作者:阿雜 咨詢大師
▲ Temptat10n ゜ 夜 | ▲ Temptat10n ゜ 昏
偏執(zhí) Paranoid | 執(zhí)著 Paranoid
Good Gril | Bad Bay
| Perfume 染煙 | | Perfume 引味
Only 。____失心 | Just。_____空心
明眸° Sunshine | 淺笑° Sunshin
play boy | Play girl
巴黎左岸°Proven | 林肯中心°Provenc
sunflower | sunshine
pugss 失魂人| monee 控魂者
寂寞與紅酒▍Nervou | 煙蒂與口紅▍Direct
失魂人* Pugss | 控魂者* Monee
゛以心換心° -melt | ゛以命換命° -melt
my heart/ 為沵癡迷- | my world/ 為沵顛覆-
▁▁▁▁▁Shit ° | ▁▁▁▁▁Fuck °
不三心 °sunset | 不二情 °sunset
Sunny°刺眼 | Rainy°傷情
King丶薄涼少年 | Queen丶暖心菇?jīng)?br />
寂寞與紅酒 Nervou | 煙蒂與口紅 Direct
離島日記'' -7mr. | 離城日記'' -7gr.
冷溫柔Triste | 失眠夢Triste
Crazy | Furious
廝守 Print li | 相守 Print li°
夜寐-sink ° | 深巷-depths°
冷溫柔°Triste | 失眠夢°Triste
smile、其實很簡單。 | sweet、也許很可愛。
我愛你。 | 我疼你。
Electricity° | Electricity° 英文名字
受傷疲憊的°■heart | 跌蕩起伏的°■Mood
こpeerless 斷夏 | こpeerless 續(xù)連
?Potatoes | ?tomatoes
海岸線coastline | 地平線 horizon°
知足 Content つ | 識趣 Content つ
要么愛° ˉ Shit | 要么滾° ˉ Fuck
昔年 Cold | 往日°Cold
浮淺Superficia | 言冷Coldwords
替代品 Substitute■ | 太委屈 grievance■
sandom° 繁花戀‖ | sandom°舊夢顏‖
夜寐- sink° | 深巷- depths°
ζ??????傷了誰的心 | ζ??????疼了誰的心
- 控心 loveㄣ | - 控肺 loveㄣ
舊約 testa | 新約 testa
″peerless 斷夏 | ″peerless續(xù)送
寞靈≈Accompany | 梵靈≈Accompany
Demon淺唱 | Demon輕吟
悲劇、spot@ | 殘局、spot@
____。The End | ____。The sta
Toxicant°罌栗花 | Toxicant°彼岸花
情迷| Las Vega | 迷情| Pox Dose
我得到什么 | What I get
Honey??斓酵肜飦?| Daling。你才碗里去
謹(jǐn)守° Version- | 謹(jǐn)護(hù)° Version-
島嶼cucumber | 海岸cucumber
She's mine ; | He's mine !
A love. ー份噯 | Two men. 兩個人
|▍Perfume 染煙 | |▍Perfume 引味
寂寞.Ⅱ lonely | 洫暗.Ⅱ lonely
25JOSD 眼神空 | 36GUIL 眼眶紅
血59曼珠沙華 JUST | 冷36溫暖眼瞳 MOST
ζ?????? 我愛你。 | ζ?????? 我疼你。
騷不過Money` | 賤不過Bitch
深礙 |借礙
Deep hinder | borrow ok
花開。 | 花落。
Flowers. | went.
心隨她 | 久遇他
Heart he | long encounter with her
怪咖| | 奇葩|
Geek | | | the exotic
長情 |久伴
Long long love | companion
禽獸| | 情獸|
The beast | | affection beast |
陰霾。 | 晴空。英文情侶網(wǎng)名
Haze. | clear sky.
初見 | 終念
First | will read
怪珈。 | 怪胎。
Yoga to blame. | a freak.
「起點?!?| 「終點。」
"The starting point." | "destination."
悲劇、spot | 殘局、spot
Tragedy, spot, spot | the mess
偏執(zhí) | 固執(zhí)
Paranoid | stubborn
莫棄。 | 莫離。
Don't abandon. | mo.
你說 | 我聽
| I listen to you say
相依。 | 相惜。
Depend on each other. | pity.
其中 | | 唯一 |
The only | the | |
情逝。 | 傷逝。
Love dies. | the death.
酸奶 | 純奶
Pure milk yogurt |
孤港?! 孤海。
Solitary port. | solitary sea.
花謝。 | 花開。
Xie flowers. | flowers.
久伴 | 深愛
Long with | love
亡魂。 | 溺海。
The dead. | the sea.
私愛〃Tea |偏愛〃Tea
Self-love "Tea | preferences" of Tea
空城° | 空心°
Empty city ° | hollow °
別鬧 | 沒鬧
Stop that now | didn't make
意猶。 | 未盡。
The children of judah. | unfinished.
綠致 |菀岸
Green to | Wan shore
捂熱我| | 深擁你|
Wu hot I | | | deep hug you
萌妻 ^ | 賢夫 ^
Meng wife ^ | good ^
、男神 |、女神
, male | god, goddess
° 淺愛 | ° 深愛
° shallow love | ° deep love
吃貨| | 癡貨|
Sweetheart swathes | | goods |
痞娘 | 痞爺
The new niang | new ye
`在曖° | `在昧°
In dim ° ` | ` in geared °
檸九 | 梓七
Twist. | catalpa seven
???。 | 石爛。
The Dead Sea. | stone rotten.
唯美。 | 唯戀。
Only beautiful. | only love.
傷心 | 虐心
Sad heart | abuse
挫敗。 | 惆悵。
Frustration. | melancholy.
莫離。 | 莫棄。
Mo. | don't abandon.
杯具° |洗具°
Cup with ° | wash °
后覺。 | 無知。
After sleep. | ignorance.
敷衍。 | 膚淺。
Perfunctory. | superficial.
村長〃 |村嫂〃
Village head line | village sister-in-law"
亡心。 | 溺情。
Dead heart. | drowned.
時光 | 荏苒
| time flies
撫旅 | 伴旅
Caresses brigade | with
執(zhí)念。 | 欲念。
Obsession. | desires.
困獸 | 囚奴 ?
Animal | prisoners?
北笙 ⑦ | 南鳶 ⑨
North sheng 7 | south pet-name ruby the kite
陰天 |晴天
Cloudy day | sunny
冷眸。 | 溫瞳。
Cold eyes. | temperature pupil.
素顏。 | 紅妝。
Without makeup. | red makeup.
總攻 | 小受
| small general assault by
魚刺 |貓骨
Barb | cat bone
黎仕。 | 幸嬈。
Li Shi. | Rao luckily.
寡淡。 | 優(yōu)柔。
A slow. | indecision chimes.
逆愛| | 溺愛|
Inverse love | | | boy
涼心 | 心涼
Cool heart | heart cool
亡靈 |亡魂
Undead | dead
Lost souls. | down and out.
海綿。 | 海藻。
Sponge. | algae.
敗柳。 | 殘花。
Willow. | the flowers.
放縱。 | 任性。
Indulgence. | capricious.
素情。 | 素愛。
Element. | love.
情獸 |仁渣
Affection beast | benevolence slag
溺愛 | 膩愛英文情侶網(wǎng)名
Spoil | bored with love
暖心| | 空心|
Hollow warm heart | | |
忘情。 | 忘愛。
She wavered. | forget love.
女帝 |男將
Female emperor | male will
安靜。 | 安億。
Be quiet. | Ann.
騷年 | 姑娘
SAO years | girl
冗詞。 | 贅句。
Redundant words. | fat.
冷暖。 | 自知。
Changes in temperature. | self-knowledge.
硬漢 | 軟妹
Tough guy | soft sister
紅塵。 | 舊夢。
The world of mortals. | refreshment.
半夏° | 白芷°
Pinellia ° | angelica dahurica °
念舊。 | 念情。
A bit. | to read.
名逐。 | 擱淺。
Name one by one. | run aground.
傻瓜° | 白癡°
A fool ° | idiot °
呆橘。 |可愛。
Stay in orange. | cute.
夕顏。 | 倦容。
Evening yan. | fatigue.
愛你 | 毀你
You to the love you |
成績優(yōu)異的學(xué)生 | 情霸
Students with excellent grades | bully
魚刺| | 貓骨|
Barb | | | cat bone
糾結(jié)。 | 纏綿。
Entanglements. | lingering.
割腕。 | 凌遲。
Cut his wrists. | the year.
心泣。 | 泣淚。
Heart qi. | cry tears.
奴隸 | 囚犯
The slave prisoners |
內(nèi)褲 . | 內(nèi)衣 .
Underwear. | underwear.
往日 & | 昔日 &
Past & | & former
爸比 | 可惡
Dad is worse than |
想你 | 念你
Think you | read you
格子 | 條紋
Grid | stripe
纏繞。 | 索繞。
Winding. | around.
槍決| | 斃命|
Expired shot | | |
唯美。 | 高清。
Only beautiful. | hd.
零點。 | 斷點。
Zero point. | the breakpoint.
&勿失: | &勿忘:
& don't miss: | & not forget:
緣濃。 | 福淺。
Good luck. | the shallow.
艾璐 | 沫燃
YiLu | spray combustion
訴說。 | 聆聽。
Complained of. | to listen.
放你! | 縱我!
Put you! | longitudinal me!!!!!!!
最初 |最末
At the end of initial |
此端 | 彼端
This end | oh
熙爺、 | 安爺、
Xian ye, ye | Ann,
紅顏 |藍(lán)顏
Beauty | blue yan
?悍妻 | ?萌夫
? Katherine wife |? MOE,
癡心 |妄想
Infatuation | delusion.
深海 | 恐光
Deep sea | will light
癮° | 祭°
Addiction ° | offering °
生不對 | | 死不起 |
Have no | | | death
回眸。 | 凝笑。
Looking back. | coagulation laugh.
情男 | 戀女
Love man | love woman
舊夢。 | 失辭。
Nostalgia. | loss.
久愛 | 不膩
Long love | not greasy
長情 | 久伴
Long long love | companion
不離 |不棄
| don't abandon
固執(zhí)。 | 偏執(zhí)。
Stubborn. | paranoid.
孤街。 | 鬧巷。
Lonely street. | lane.
心劫 | 夢靨 ?
Heart of | nightmare?
癡男。 | 怨女。
Chi man. | hatred.
゛_魚七 | ゛_貓九
Seven | ゛ _ fish ゛ _ nine cats
爛心 - |濫情 -
- | promiscuous - bad heart
嫉妒。 | 羨慕。
Jealousy. | envy.
成績優(yōu)異的學(xué)生 | 情渣
Students with excellent grades | slag
癡情° |情癡°
Spoony ° | chi °
丫頭。 |小子。
Wench. | boy.
控心。 | 控肺。
Accused of heart. | accused of lung.
“如果 |所以”英文情侶網(wǎng)名
"If | so"
銘記。 | 刻骨。
Remembered. | profound.
塵滁。 | 奢愛。
Dust chuhe. | the luxury of love.
相濡 | 以沫
Phase and moist | to foam
心碎。 | 心痛。
A broken heart. | heartache.
南城 |北憶
South side | north have
° 南笙 | ° 北執(zhí)
° south sheng | ° north of board
Hey, baby | hi, hani
In the summer of warm sea * * | winter cold heart
り life will continue to | り dead souls
Love season. | season break up.
沫離、| 沫棄、
Foam from, | foam abandon,
樹、終枯萎乀 | 花、終雕謝乀
Tree, eventually wither 乀 | flowers, blast 乀
念一種悲傷° | 念一種快樂°
Read a sad ° | read a pleasure °
Such as month, | writes to tears,
清曲 | 晚歌
Qing song | late
冷顏哥 | 詩顏姐
Cold YanGe YanJie | poetry
渲染 離別╮ | 渲染 分別╮
Rendering parting ╮ ╮ | rendering respectively
秀恩愛 | 遭天譴
| show love by the scourge
暮冬- | 初晴-
Late winter - | attendance -
裝天真 | 裝幼稚
With the naive | juvenile installed
小幸福 | 小情緒
Small happiness | small mood
刺心° | 溫瞳°
Thorn heart ° | temperature pupil °
陌小愛 | 陌小情
Devoted to the little love | stranger
ゞ 放不下 | ゞ 離不開
Unable to keep | ゞ ゞ cannot leave
相思碎 | 紅顏悴
Acacia broken | beauty strain
余溫 。 | 失溫 。
The keypad. | temperature.
陪你追 | 待你歸
Accompany you | to you
未成年 | 未成熟
Minor | immature
天注定 | 誓不悔
Days destined | oath not regret
The little warmth. | small tender feelings.
不要哭 | 我心疼
Don't cry | my heart
し injury up | し can't afford to injury
天安靜 | 地安靜
Day | quiet quiet
可勁瘋 | 何棄療
Can strength the mad | how to refuse treatment
ㄣ疼愛ご | ㄣ被愛ご
Be love ご | be loved ご
嫁我嗎 | 娶我吧
Marry me | to marry me
格仔衫 | 帆布鞋
Checkered shirt | canvas shoes
╰抹不去旳累 | ╰抹不去旳淚
╰ one wipe not to tired | ╰ wipe your tears
靠他肩 | 撫她臉
On his shoulder | stroke her face
波板糖 | 趴趴熊
Wave plate | sugar lie prone on the bear
〃仿徨紅顏 | 〃淡漠流年
"Lu beauty |" indifference time
夜唱 | 晝歌
| days and night sing
Hold me tight | warm me
一個人 | 一座城
A person | a city
慢慢聊 | 慢慢老
Slowly talk | slowly old
我姓趙 | 我心燥
My name is zhao | my heart is dry
溫暖你 | 靠近我
Warm you | close to me
花心`灬.° | 畫心`灬.°
Flower heart ` 灬. ° | painting heart ` 灬. °
She, warm winter, summer cool | him
↘o放肆ゝ |↘o 容忍ゝ
↘ o wild ゝ | ↘ o tolerate ゝ
If the heart | will be pain
落夕陽 | 暮晨曦
The sunset sunset | dawn
情歌深唱。ゝ | 悲歌淺唱。ゝ
Deep love song to sing. Shallow sing ゝ | elegy. ゝ
若相依 | 莫相離英文情侶網(wǎng)名
If a dependent | mo phase
白晝情 | 黑夜戀
The day feeling | love the night
情定三生 、 | 緣定三世 、
Kiss good, | edge iii,
木子兮 | 木子軒
Teil teil | hin
青菜哥 | 蘿卜姐
Green elder brother | turnip elder sister
聽風(fēng) | 看海
Listen to the wind | look at the sea
消停。 | 鬧騰。
Cease. | escapades.
ㄨ惜ヾ愛メ | ㄨ惜ヾ嬡メ
ㄨ cherish love メ ヾ | ㄨ メ. Cherish ヾ jingyuan
心劫 ? | 夢徒 ?
Heart time? | dream ACTS?
男、當(dāng)婚 | 女、當(dāng)嫁
Male, | woman, get married when you grow up
愛de太累 | 想de發(fā)瘋
Crazy love DE tired | want to DE
昨天的曖昧∮ | 今天的完美∮
Yesterday's ambiguous 30 | perfect 30 today
亂了心 | 空了島
The empty heart | the island
Pain silent ゛ | love galling ゛
墨 深 ° | 微 恙 °
The ink deep ° | malaise °
夏之楓 | 寧之蘇
In the summer of maple | ning su
To be not moved heart | less painful
是久伴 | 是深愛
With | is the deep love is long
素顏 | 簡裝
Without makeup | paperback
澤禹っ | 瑾離へ
Ze yu っ | jin へ
暖瞳 |溫眸
Warm pupil | warm eyes
傷丶匯海| 淚丶于心
Injury, hui hai | tears, in the heart
Sigh,? The dust | jing,? In the busy
心漸漸麻木。 | 心隱隱作痛。
Heart gradually numb. | a dull pain in the heart.
訴卟完旳痛╮ | 說卟完旳傷╮
V. lindsey out your pain ╮ | said lindsey out of any injury ╮
乄牽灬佐手 | 乄拉灬佑手
乄 灬 with their hands | 乄 灬 on hand
墮落成癮〆 | 墮落成性〆
Fallen addiction 〆 | initiative 〆 decadence
゜&崶鈊_ | ゜&鎖僾_m.jsylc.cn
゜ & 崶 鈊 _ | ゜ & lock Ai _
爛人情 | 亂人心
Bad | disorderly the heart
淺時光 | 淡年華
Shallow time | light mood
ヾ、棒棒糖 | ヾ、萢萢糖
ヾ, lollipop | ヾ, 萢 萢 sugar
Little fool came | little fool ♀
輕輕唱 | 淺淺笑
Gently singing | shallow smile
貍不開 | 桃不掉
Everthing don't open | peach
森呼吸 | 林距離
Sen | Lin from breathing
日暖玉生煙 | 月涼玉露寒
RiNuan jade | month cool high curative value cold smoke
窺視者 | 跟蹤人
Peepers | tracking
夏暖海 | 冬涼心
Warm sea | summer and cold winter
Quiet day, | quiet,
心不離 | 情不滅
The immortality of the heart from | situation
度夏° | 柒夏°
The summer ° | pure summer °
葉ヽ已枯| 埖ヽ未開
Leaf ヽ has withered | 埖 ヽ did not open
滄海 | 巫山
The sea | wushan
Lover heart | chi person tears
ˉ落花、有意 | ˉ流水、無情
ˉ fallen petal, intentionally | ˉ water, heartless
霸占ヽ。 | 私有ヽ。
His ヽ. | private ヽ.
不高興 | 笑一個
Not happy | a smile
酷酷男 | 乖乖女
Cool man | darling female
玉蝴蝶 | 玉玲瓏
Jade butterfly | jade exquisite
悲 、 若 即 | 殤 、 若 離
If distresses, namely | ruin, if off
小巷 | 大街
Alley | street
離心痛 | 失心瘋
Centrifugal pain | lost heart mad
思念是什么- | 就是思念你-
What is missing - | is thinking of you -
不二心° | 不二情°
Don't not ° | not 2 °
溫柔虐 | 溫柔夢
Gentle abuse | tender dream
夢若琉璃玉碎 | 弦如錦瑟玉落
If dream coloured glaze die | string, such as jade inlaid harp
花、亂開| 花、亂栽英文情侶網(wǎng)名
Flowers, plant, disorderly open |
曲調(diào) | 格調(diào)
The tune | style
望你城 | 妄你城
Hope you city | jump you city
左手心 | 右手背
The left heart | right back
子佩 | 子衿
Child peja | short
夢旅人 | 孤旅人
Dream traveler | lonely journey
我想妳 | 硪愛你
I think you | I love you
一月情 | 六月雨
January | rain in June
綰酒 | 晩葉
Wan | wine leaves a rainy night
君為紅顏醉╮ | 紅顏為君笑╮
Jun for beauty drunken ╮ | beauty for your smile ╮
The sunflower. | hin collector.
情、未了 | 愛、不滅
Affection, outstanding |, eternal love
舒小姐 | 楊先森
Miss shu | Yang Xiansen
The transparent | empty miss missing
新人笑 | 舊人淚
New appointee smile | tears
無欣厭 | 守花枝
No hin anaerobic | cuttlefish
得心咒 | 失心咒
Loss mantra | mantra
偽君子 | 假女人
Hypocrite | false woman
夢與途 | 城與別
Dreams and | city and don't
矜持范 | 霸道范
Reserve fan | bullying van
花似毒╮ | 毒刺骨╮
Flowers like poison ╮ | ╮ poison bitter
伱卟離 | 偶卟棄
You are from | I lindsey
Dreams and | city and don't
丶煙起 | 丶煙滅
, |, cigarette smoke
丿若情花 | 丿水韻草
If 丿 feeling flower | 丿 shui yun grass
情濃時 | 思別難
Feeling thick | think don't hard to do
怕不能 | 怕錯過
Afraid can't | afraid miss
Love does not change | love is constant
入他城 | 念她夢
Into his city | read her dream
平底鞋、 | 高跟鞋、
Flat shoes, | high-heeled shoes,
天亮說晚安ゝ| 天黑說早安ゝ
Dawn said good night ゝ | said good morning ゝ dark
唇齒相依。| 此生不離。
As close as lips and teeth. | this lifetime.
Small sun ◣ | ◢ sunflower
是他° | 是她°
Is he ° | is her °
你、依靠 | 我、擁抱
| I, hug you, depend on
求1份依賴╮| 念1份溫暖╮
Read 1 o rely on ╮ | 1 warm ╮
子欽 | 子幽
Son son qin | deep and remote
萬人嫌 | 千人憎
Ten thousand people too | ten thousand people hate
伊人淚 | 伊人醉
Iraqis tears | she drunk
何止一種殤╮ | 何止一種痛╮
More than a ruin ╮ | ╮ to a far more pain
細(xì)雨 | 狂風(fēng)
Drizzle | winds
Silence. | said.
Away from the soul music. | hit.
天然呆 | 自然萌
Stay | nature of natural
絕城歌 | 傾城戀
Unique city song | city of love
Well you | well ↘ think you. ↘ jingyuan
〝?shù)麘倩?っ゜ | 〝花戀蝶っ゜
Love recent っ ゜ | "flower butterfly っ ゜
寒玉點絳珠 | 暖玉化神瑛
Cold warm crimson pearl | jade jade point god ying
戲、已幕 | 曲、已終
Play, has screen | song, has finally
醉酒濃 | 醒夢空
Drunk thick | waking dream
九命貓 | 七秒魚
Nine lives a cat fish | seven seconds
奈何丶花落去 | 花落丶人斷腸
Alas, went to | flowers fall, people heartbroken
大笨熊 | 小笨熊
Big Ben bear | small clumsy bear
她的夢 | 他的夢
Her dream | his dream
情生。 | 心癮。
Gratitude. | heart addiction.
゛-宿丶命│ ゛-糾丶結(jié)
゛ - lodge, life │ ゛ - remedy, knot
ぁ一個人|ぁ 一座城
ぁ one | ぁ a city
小太陽 | 向日葵
Small sun | sunflower
小氣鬼、 | 自私鬼
Cheapskate, | selfish ghost
蝶戀花 | 花戀蝶
Recent | love butterfly flower
★思念 ╮ | ★詩戀 ╮
U miss ╮ love ╮ painted | poetry
つ°夏至╮ | つ°初夏╮
The summer solstice つ ° ╮ | つ ° ╮ summer
三生石 | 三世緣
Stroke of stone edge | iii
你會膩 | 我何必
You will be bored with | why should I
看清了 | 看輕了
See the | looked down
失心瘋 | 失心控
Loss of heart crazy | heart control
丶不太帥 | 丶不太美
Don't, don't too handsome |, beauty
網(wǎng)友解答:ツCarzy、哲╮ | ツCarzy、薰╮
╰B1ack | ╰Wh1te
______0nly、 | ______Just、
﹏Dear·‘ | ﹏Baby·‘
Τhat‐ɡīr1 | Τhat‐Вoч
Game、 | Over、
網(wǎng)友解答:女生的話,用Nina(means pretty eyes)不錯; 男生嘛,靖字不好取,如果要淺顯易懂的,James或者Jaden都蠻上口的..
個性簽名全是英文 [給個翻譯哈~]
網(wǎng)友解答:簽名:You are my most adventure youth dream .[你是我年少時最冒險的夢。]
英文情侶網(wǎng)名問題四:就像bay2 姐妹倆的英文名字一樣 姐姐叫miko 妹妹叫yumi 和在一起是yumiko 意思是 你我扣在一起的意思
想弄個類似這樣的 情侶英文名字 謝啦~
網(wǎng)友解答:For Ever forever(永遠(yuǎn))
Memo Mory memory(回憶)
網(wǎng)友解答:Memo Mory memory(回憶)
網(wǎng)友解答:black smile、 white smile、 Love you for ever!Love you for thousands of years!愛你一萬年 愛你千萬年
網(wǎng)友解答:╰B1ack | ╰Wh1te
英文情侶網(wǎng)名問題八:求一對好聽的英文情侶名?類似于Cappuccino / Tiramisu 這種的.不一定是同開頭字母,但是最好字?jǐn)?shù)相近.
類似于Cappuccino / Tiramisu 這種的.
網(wǎng)友解答:Prince 、 | Princess
網(wǎng)友解答:Devotion丶XH | Devotion丶XY ╮Forget° | ╮Forever° open、傷 | close、痛 毒癮、 | 煙癮、 \Eternal ╮ | \Forever ╮ Cherish、you | Cherish、now mickey、 | minne、 煙染丶暖 | 陌染丶夜 ヽEvil.?輪回 | ヽEvil. 轉(zhuǎn)世
網(wǎng)友解答:╰向、左靠ミ | ╰向、右靠ミ
←左手 | ← 右手
情深深 | 雨蒙蒙
網(wǎng)友解答: 男l(wèi)eaves翻譯:葉子 女Flower翻譯:花朵