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時間:2016-09-18 15:47 分類:唯美句子 作者:阿雜 咨詢大師





(1)、don?t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因為結(jié)束而哭泣,微笑吧,為你的曾經(jīng)擁有。

(2)、聰明人無論在哪里跌倒,都會撿點兒有用的東西。A wise man no matter where in the fall, can pick up some useful things.

(3)、有些人用嘴巴去愛,而我是用心去愛,也許我會失去很多,但我不會后悔。Some people use the mouth to love, and I am love, maybe I'll lose a lot, but I won't regret it.

(4)、你知道思念一個人的滋味嗎,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很長很長的時間流成熱淚。 do you understand the feeling of missing someone? it is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears。

(5)、讓你的心漸漸變冷變硬的,往往是那個曾和你最親密的人。Let your heart turned cold harden, often is the person who once and your closest.

(6)、愛情使人心的憧憬升華到至善之境。但丁Love makes the heart imagine sublimation to good. Dante

(7)、春蠶到死絲方盡,蠟炬成灰淚始干。李商隱Try to dead silk, ended.candles burn. Li shangyin

(8)、我知道你最喜歡這首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。i know you like this song most and i know what you are thinking about ,too, i miss you 。

(9)、說不出的話,叫心事;留不住的人,叫故事??傆幸粋€人,原本只是生命的過客,卻成了記憶的常客;總有一份情,驚艷了你的時光,卻溫柔不了你的歲月。Couldn't say a word, the heart; Do not leave, that story. There is always a person, originally only the passing of life, but it has become a denizen of memory; Always have a debt of gratitude, amaze your time, but gentle your years.

(10)、人只有在戀愛里才能顯示個性的閃耀,才能發(fā)揮獨創(chuàng)性。俄·屠格涅夫People only in love can show individual character, can play to creativity. Russia, turgenev

(11)、我好喜歡你呦,我喜歡你的鼻子,我喜歡你的眼睛,我還喜歡你經(jīng)常對我發(fā)怒得樣子。真的好喜歡你!I love you, I like your nose, I like your eyes, I also like you often angry to me. Really good love you!

(12)、命運要你成長的時候,總會安排一些讓你不順心的人或事刺激你。Destiny to be when you grow up, will arrange something make you frustrated or stimulate you.

(13)、身無彩鳳翼,心有靈犀一點通。李商隱The body has no colourful feng wing, intended-and not to take a hint when a hint is not intended. Li shangyin

(14)、世上最凄絕的距離是兩個人本來距離很遠(yuǎn),互不相識,忽然有一天,他們相識,相愛,距離變得很近。然后有一天,不再相愛了,本來很近的兩個人,變得很遠(yuǎn),甚至比以前更遠(yuǎn)。In the world the most melancholy unique of distance is two people was far distance, strangers, suddenly one day, they get to know each other, love each other, distance become very near. Then one day, no longer fall in love, was very nearly two people, become very far, even farther than before.

(15)、長相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能長相知。曹禺Long bosom friend, can do not doubt; No doubt, can be long bosom friend. He had

(16)、生活真的不是安排好的按部就班,婚姻也不是靠一個人的苦苦支撐。記住,任何時候,別為任何東西改變最初的自己。你可以妥協(xié)一些東西,可以服軟一些事情,不可以為了遷就而不斷委屈自己。For good life really is not a step-by-step, marriage is not rely on a person's hard support. Remember, any time, don't change anything for the original himself. You can compromise something, mainly to some things, not to indulge and injustice.經(jīng)典英文愛情句子

(17)、不保留的,才叫青春。不解釋的,才叫從容。不放手的,才叫真愛。不完美的,才叫人生。Don't keep, just call the youth. Don't explain, is easy. Don't let go of, just through love. Not perfect, just call life.

(18)、愛情是一個不可缺少的但它只能是推動我們前進(jìn)的加速器,而不是工作學(xué)的絆腳石。張志新Love is a indispensable but it can only be the accelerator that propels us forward, rather than a stumbling block to work and study. Zhang Zhixin

(19)、錦城雖樂,不如回故鄉(xiāng);樂園雖好,非久留之地。歸去來兮。華羅庚Chengdu is happy, than back to hometown; Paradise is good, but not too long. I'm going home!. Hua luogeng

(20)、白天有你就有夢,夜晚有夢就有你,你要好好照顧你自己,不要感冒流鼻涕;要是偶爾打噴嚏,那就代表我想你!During the day you have a dream, a dream at night there is you, you must take good care of yourself, don't catch a cold have a runny nose. If occasionally sneezing, that means I miss you!

(21)、剪不斷,理還亂,是離愁,別是一般滋味在心頭。李煜Cut constantly, Richard also disorderly, is sadness, an unspeakable taste in the heart. Li yu

(22)、祖國,我永遠(yuǎn)忠于你,為你獻(xiàn)身,用我的琴聲永遠(yuǎn)為你歌唱和戰(zhàn)斗。肖邦The motherland, I always loyal to you, for your dedication, with performance forever I sing for you and fight. Chopin

(23)、為了國家的利益,使自己的一生邊為有用的一生,縱然只能效綿薄之力,我也會熱血沸騰。果戈理Edge to the interests of the state, make oneself of the life as the useful life, even if only render effect, I will have a boiling passion. gogol

(24)、滿江秋意盎然,在那金色夕陽的黃昏,甘心情愿,化蝶*,希望與你翩翩起舞。多么銘心的愛。Boundless hone still, in the golden sunset dusk, willing, and becoming a *, hope to dance with you. How a great love.

(25)、the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can?t have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫過于,他近在身旁,卻猶如遠(yuǎn)在天邊。

(26)、千萬個思念,在空氣中凝固。揚起風(fēng)吹向你,帶著我的祝福,寂寞我不在乎,你快樂我就滿足,想你是我的幸福thousand of time i have thought of you .my heart is going high intothe air and flying with my blessing towards you i dont care loneliness. i am satisfied when you are happy and i am happy when ithink of you!

(27)、謙和,溫順且自持的生活,不亂于心,不困于情,不畏將來,不念過去。Modest, docile and self sustaining life, don't mess in mind, not trapped in love, not afraid of the future, don't read in the past.

(28)、做真實的自己,不要為了取悅別人或試圖成為某個人。做你最原始的自己,比做任何人的復(fù)制品都來得好。Be yourself and not to please others or try to be someone. Do you the most primitive himself, replicas are better than anyone.

(29)、如果一個人沒有能力幫助他所愛的人,最好不要隨便談什么愛與不愛。當(dāng)然,幫助不等于愛情,但愛情不能不包括幫助。魯迅If a person does not have the capacity to help his loved ones, had better not talk about love and not love casually. Help, of course, is not equal to love, but love can't help. Lu xun '

(30)、我是幸福的,因為我愛,因為我有愛。白朗寧I am happy, because I love, because I have love. Marder iii


1、孤單不是與生俱來,而是由你愛上一個人的那一刻開始。Alone is not innate, but by you fall in love with a person's that moment start.


2、不是因為寂寞才想你,是因為想你才寂寞。孤獨的感覺之所以如此之重,只是因為太想你。i miss you not because of my loneliness but i do feel lonely when imiss you. only when i miss you deeply i feel so lonely。

3、don?t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn?t willing to waste their time on you.不要為那些不愿在你身上花費時間的人而浪費你的時間。

4、我心里有個小秘密你想不想知道?讓風(fēng)悄悄告訴你,我喜歡你,真的好喜歡。My in the mind have a little secret you want to know? Let the wind quietly tell you, I love you, really like.

5、兩情若是久長時,以豈在朝朝暮暮。秦觀If love between two long, to do exist. Qin guan

6、我有我的人格良心,不是錢能買的。我的音樂,要獻(xiàn)給祖國,獻(xiàn)給勞動人民大眾,為挽救民族危機服務(wù)。冼星海Conscience, I have my personality is not money can buy. My music, want to give for my country, to the labor of the people, to save the national crisis. Xian xinghai

7、你對別人要求松—點,就不會總失望:你對自己要求嚴(yán)一點,就不會總沮喪。You require pine - to others, it will be always disappointed: strict to own request, you won't always depressed.

8、不經(jīng)意間闖入了你的情網(wǎng),于是我發(fā)現(xiàn)了世界上最大又無法走出的網(wǎng)。不小心愛上了你,才知道思念的苦和甜蜜。我的心愿:希望明天與你成一雙!Accidentally broke into your love, so I found the world's largest and unable to walk out of the net. Accidentally fell in love with you, just know miss bitter and sweet. My wish: I hope tomorrow with you into a pair of!

9、有些事,問的太清楚便是無趣,連佛都說,人不可太盡,事不可太盡,凡事太盡,緣份勢必早盡。所以有時候,難得糊涂才是上道。Some things, ask so clear is boring, even the Buddha said, let not man too, is impossible too, so do all things, fate is bound to do early. So sometimes, rare confused is on the way.

10、人生一夢,白云蒼狗。錯錯對對,恩恩怨怨。終不過日月無聲,水過無痕。Life is a dream, the white clouds change into grey dogs.. Wrong wrong to the rightness, describe. Eventually however the sun moon silent, water radiant.

11、那種用美好的感情和思想使我們升華并賦予我們力量的愛情,才能算是一種高尚的熱情;而使我們自私自利,膽小怯弱,使我們流于盲目本能的下流行為的愛情,應(yīng)該算是一種邪惡的熱情。喬治·桑That with good feelings and thoughts that we love sublimation and give us strength, can be regarded as a noble enthusiasm; And make our selfishness, nervous, make we become blind instinct lewd behaviour of love, should be regarded as a kind of evil. George sang

12、不要輕易用過去來衡量生活的幸與不幸,每個人的生命都是可以綻放美麗的,只要你珍惜。Don't use the past to measure life of fortune and misfortune, everyone's life is can blossom beautiful, as long as you cherish.

13、不是不追求,只是不去強求。淡然地過著自己的生活,不要轟轟烈烈,只求安安心心。Not not pursue, just don't go to importune. Cool to live his own life, not with a bang, just relax.

14、不要選容易的路,那其實是最艱難的。未經(jīng)世故的人于順境,易苛以待人;而飽經(jīng)世故的人深諳逆境,反而寬以處世。Don't choose the easy way, it is the most difficult. Without a man of the world accustomed to prosperity, easy to heavy to others; The world man understands adversity, but wide to life.

15、愛是生命的火焰,沒有它,一切變成黑夜。羅蘭經(jīng)典英文愛情句子Love is the flame of life, without it, everything into the night. Roland

16、有些人注定是等待別人的,有些人是注定被人等deSome people is doomed to be waiting for someone else, some people are destined to be DE man

17、我的執(zhí)著,是因為,你值得。My persistent, because, you are worth it.

18、當(dāng)兩人之間有真愛情的時候,是不會考慮到年齡的問題,經(jīng)濟的條件,相貌的美丑,個子的高矮,等等外在的無關(guān)緊要的因素的。假如你們之間存在著這種問題,那你要先問問自己,是否真正在愛才好。羅蘭When there was a true love between two people is not considering the problems of the age, economic conditions, the appearance of beauty and ugliness, the height of the child, and so on external irrelevant factors. If there is the problem between you, that you'll have to ask yourself, is not really in love. Roland

19、有些人其實真不懂什么叫愛情!所以無從談起!Some people actually don't understand what call love! So impossible!

20、兩個人就算他們屬相相克,八字不合,星座不配,戀愛指數(shù)為零。只要真心相愛,這些都不重要了。Two people even if they belong to mutually phase grams, horoscope, constellation unworthy, love index is zero. As long as truly in love, these are not important.

21、愛情不會因為理智而變得淡漠,也不會因為雄心壯志而喪失殆盡。它是第二生命;它滲入靈魂,溫暖著每一條血管,跳動在每一次脈搏之中。艾迪生Love will not become indifferent because of reason, also won't lost because of ambition. It is the second life; It into the soul, warms every blood vessels, beats in every pulse. Addison

22、常常想起曾和你在一起的那些日子。開心快樂幸福失落傷心痛苦的所有日子。很想你,很想你those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time,because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. i miss you ,and miss you so mach.

23、對你的思念太重,壓斷了電話線,燒壞了手機卡,掏盡了錢包袋,吃光了安眠藥,唉!可我還是想見你。Thoughts is too heavy for you, broke the telephone line, burned out mobile phone CARDS, tao made the wallet bag, ate some sleeping pills, alas! But I still want to see you.

24、愿天下有情人終成眷屬,愿天下?lián)碛袗鄣娜?,只擁有玫瑰的美麗,不要碰到玫瑰的刺。因為這刺,不是刺在身體上的,是刺在心里的,深深地扎在心里面的。All shall be well, jack shall have Jill, and the world has a loving person, only has the beauty of the rose, don't touch the rose thorn. , because this is not a thorn on the body, is a thorn in my heart, deep in my heart.

25、得成比目何辭死,愿作鴛鴦不羨仙。盧照鄰Die into resign than orders, how, and is willing to make mandarin duck not envyimmortal. vibrated

26、可不曾想過那么多的山盟海誓,卻在現(xiàn)實之中會那么地不勘一擊:有多少的愛,結(jié)束在無奈風(fēng)俗之中。有多少的愛,結(jié)束在無心維護(hù)之中。有多少的愛,結(jié)束在無力珍惜之中。Can never thought so much of the pledge of eternal love, but in reality will so don't blow: how many love, end in the custom. How many love, ending in a careless maintenance. How many love, end in the inability to cherish.

27、在愛情的世界里,我一無所有,也一無所知,在情感的小站里,我愿你是第一位來客,也是永遠(yuǎn)的主人,伴著我寵著我;一生一世。In a world of love, I have nothing, also know nothing, in the emotional station, I wish you are the first guest, is also the owner of the forever, accompanying with my spoil me; The rest of her life.

28、被人暖一下就發(fā)熱,被人冷一下就成冰,真是愛憎太分明。Being warm just fever, were it is ice cold, really hate too.

29、春天沒有花,人生沒有愛,那還成個什么世界。Spring without flowers, a life without love, what also become that of the world. Guo moruo

30、努力愛春華,莫忘歡樂時,生當(dāng)復(fù)來歸,死當(dāng)長相思。蘇武Efforts to love fruitful, don't forget the joy, when the city, dead when sauvignon blanc. Su Wu


1)、愛情的歡樂雖然是甜美無比,但只有在光榮與美德存在的地方才能生存。古爾內(nèi)爾Although the joy of love is sweet, but only a place to live in honor and virtue. Gul Neil


2)、我愛你,為了你的幸福,我愿意放棄一切---包括你。I love you, for the sake of your happiness, I am willing to give up everything - including you.

3)、人必須生活著,愛才有所附麗。魯迅People must live, love to the attachment. Lu xun

4)、never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.縱然傷心,也不要愁眉不展,因為你不知是誰會愛上你的笑容。

5)、想當(dāng)年,逆風(fēng)飚千丈;嘆如今,順風(fēng)竟?jié)裥?。Think that year, the wind MAO qian zhang; Sigh now, with the wind was wet shoes.

6)、我發(fā)現(xiàn)我一刻也離不開你了,真想,舉起一杯紅酒,為你而醉!拿起一束鮮花,為你祝福!捧著一顆摯誠的心說聲:我真心愛你!I found I moment also can not do without you, really want to, raise a glass of red wine, drunk for you! Picked up a bouquet of flowers, bless for you! Holding a sincere heart say: I love you with all my heart!

7)、沒有太陽,花朵不會開放;沒有愛便沒有幸福;沒有婦女也就沒有愛,沒有母親,既不會有詩人,也不會有英雄。高爾基Without the sun, the flowers will not open; There is no love and happiness; Without women would be no love, no mother, neither have the poet, also won't have a hero. gorky

8)、沒娶的別慌,待嫁的別忙,經(jīng)營好自己,珍惜當(dāng)下時光,一切該來的總會到。怕什么,歲月漫長,你心地善良,終會有一人陪你騎馬喝酒走四方。Comes not marry don't panic, don't busy, management of yourself, cherish the present time, all the things to. Afraid of what, long time, your kindness, one will accompany you go on horseback to drink.

9)、衣帶漸寬終不悔,為伊消得人憔悴。柳永Pine will not regret for the gadites gaunt. always

10)、生命中最糟糕的事,是與那些讓你感到孤獨的人一起終老。The worst thing in life, is with those who make you feel lonely forever.

11)、世界上唯一不變的,就是一切都在變。The only constant in the world, everything is changing.

12)、愛情是嘆息吹起的一陣煙;戀人的眼中有它凈化了的火星;戀人的眼淚是它激起的波濤.它又是最智慧的瘋狂,哽喉的苦味,沁舌的蜜糖。英·莎士比亞Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs. The eyes have it purified the lovers of Mars; Lover's tear is mighty waves which it arouses. It is the wisdom of madness, choking bitterness, ooze tongue of honey. The British Shakespeare,

13)、一般就在部分之中;誰不屬于自己的祖國那麼他也就不屬于人類。別林斯基General is in the part; Who does not belong to their country so he doesn't belong to human. belinsky

14)、來自對相愛的人來說,對方的心才是最好的房子。From for people who love each other, each other's heart is the best house.

15)、只有熱愛祖國,痛心祖國所受的嚴(yán)重苦難,憎恨敵人,這才給了我們參加斗爭和取得勝利的力量。阿·托爾斯泰Only love the motherland, distressed country suffered severe suffering, hatred of the enemy, and that gives us power to fight and win. Tolstoy o

16)、愛得愈深,苛求得愈切,所以愛人之間不可能沒有意氣的爭執(zhí)。勞倫斯The deep love, the more demanding the cut, so don't may not have testosterone, disputes between partners. Lawrence

17)、每一個優(yōu)秀的人,都有一段沉默的時光。那一段時光,是付出了很多努力,忍受孤獨和寂寞,不抱怨不訴苦,日后說起時,連自己都能被感動日子。Every good people, there is a silence of the time. That period of time, it is a lot of effort, stand alone and lonely, don't complain don't complain, when speaking of in the future, connect oneself can be touched by day.

18)、貞操是從豐富的愛情中生出來的資產(chǎn)。經(jīng)典英文愛情句子Chastity come from abundance of love. tagore

19)、每晚睡前 原諒所有的人和事 閉上眼睛 清理你的心 過去的就讓它過去吧 無論今天發(fā)生多么糟糕的事 都不應(yīng)該感到悲傷 用心甘情愿的態(tài)度 過隨遇而安的生活 。”Every night before going to bed to forgive all the people and things close your eyes and clear your heart in the past, let bygones be bygones No matter how bad things happened today should not feel sad Use of willing attitude a happy-go-lucky life. "

20)、你知道么,有個人時時想念著你,惦記你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光閃閃,綴在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hangingon the curtain of my heart。

21)、愛情原如樹葉一樣,在人忽視里綠了,在忍耐里露出蓓蕾。何其芳Love the original like leaves, green in the neglected, revealing bud in patience. Throught light

22)、悄悄地不想打擾你,靜靜地我又想起了你,拿起手機不知從何說起,發(fā)個信息告訴你,我真的好想你,忙碌時要注意身體,記得我在牽掛你!Quietly quietly, don't want to bother you, I again remind of you, pick up the phone don't know where to start, send a message to tell you, I miss you so much, busy to pay attention to the body, remember I'm worried about you!

23)、獨時想起你;落淚時想摟住你;開心時想撲向你;興奮時想吻你。一切盡在這四個字:我需要你!When I think of you alone; Want to embrace you fall down; Happy to jump on you; When excited want to kiss you. Everything is in these four words: I need you!

24)、愛情之中高尚的成分不亞于溫柔的成分,使人向上的力量不亞于使人萎靡的力量,有時還能激發(fā)別的美德。伏爾泰Love of noble as gentle, make men up power as the power of the weak, sometimes also can inspire other virtues. voltaire

25)、如果某人走進(jìn)你的生活,使你成為一個更好的人,并能夠忘掉你的過去,那么你永遠(yuǎn)不要讓他離開。If someone walked into your life, make you become a better person, and can forget about your past, so you don't let him leave forever.

26)、愛情是一位偉大的導(dǎo)師,教我們重新做人。法·莫里哀Love is a great teacher, teaches us to turn over a new leaf. Method, moliere

27)、人生就是一場又一場的相遇,沒有對與錯。緣分來了,好好相待;緣分盡了,自會分離。Life is a another meeting, there is no right and wrong. The fate is coming, to treat each other well; Did the fate, will the separation.

28)、世界上總是有那么幾個傻瓜,一直在等那些沒有結(jié)局的結(jié)局。The world is always there are so few fool, has been waiting for those without end result.

29)、真摯而純潔的愛情,一定滲有對心愛的人的勞動和職業(yè)的尊重。The permeability and sincere and pure love, must respect for labor and the career of the beloved person. Deng yingchao

30)、放棄該放棄的是無奈,放棄不該放棄的是無能;不放棄該放棄的是無知,不放棄不該放棄的是執(zhí)著。放棄也是一種美,要懂得才會選擇!"Give up this give up is helpless, give up shouldn't give up is incapable; Don't give up this give up is ignorance, do not give up should not give up is persistent. Give up is also a kind of beauty, know how to choose! "


(1)、愛是純潔的,愛的內(nèi)容里,不能有一點渣滓;愛是至善至誠的,愛的范圍里,不能有絲毫私欲。莎公爵夫人The content of the love is pure, love, there can be a little dross; Love is the supreme good sincere, the range of love, there can be no desires. The duchess of Sally.


(2)、金錢攪在愛情一塊兒,不是太丑惡了嗎?法·巴爾扎克Stir together in love, money is not too ugly? Method of DE Balzac

(3)、愛情只有當(dāng)它是自由自在時,才會葉茂花繁。認(rèn)為愛情是某種義務(wù)的思想只能置愛情于死地。只消一句話:你應(yīng)當(dāng)愛某個人,就足以使你對這個人恨之入骨。羅素Only when it is free, love will Ye Maohua numerous. Think love is a compulsory thoughts can kill love. Just one word: you ought to love one person is enough to make you hate to the people. Russell

(4)、愛情恥笑了鎖匠??坡麹ove laugh at the locksmith. koeman

(5)、人孰無過?心存寬恕,就是圣潔。Every man has his faults? Forgiveness, it is holy.

(6)、愛就是充實了的生命,正如盛滿了酒的酒杯。印度·泰戈爾Love is life in its fulness like the cup with its wine. India, tagore

(7)、i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you. 我愛你,不是因為你是一個怎樣的人,而是因為我喜歡與你在一起時的感覺。

(8)、天下事以難而廢者十之一,以惰而廢者十之九。What's going on in the world with hard and which is one of the ten, which is of ten nine in idle.

(9)、有時候女人需要一個男人,就像逃機者需要降落傘,如果此時此刻他不在,那么以后他也不必在了。Sometimes a woman needs a man, like fled machine needs a parachute, if he's not in at the moment, then later he also need not in.

(10)、如果不愛了就說出來,不要忽冷忽熱,不要讓別人猜測,也別耽誤了別人遇到更好的人。Blows hot and cold if you don't say it out, don't, don't let others guess, don't hold up others meet better person.

(11)、我們愛我們的民族,這是我們自信心的泉源。We love our nation, it is the source of our confidence. Zhou enlai

(12)、常心訣:瑣碎小事不發(fā)脾氣,一時不快別再提起,曾經(jīng)擁有不要忘記,現(xiàn)在得到更加珍惜,自己夢想不要放棄,如果失去留做回憶,想要得到一定要努力!Heart tactic: often trivial temper, at that time the unhappy don't lift, don't forget, once had more cherish now, don't give up their dreams, if lose as a memory, want must try hard!

(13)、順,不妄喜;逆,不惶餒;安,不奢逸;危,不驚懼。And don't jump; Inverse, is not hard to loose; Ann, not much; Danger, not afraid.

(14)、好想,好想你!如果清風(fēng)有情,請帶去我對你的思念,這一生都為你牽掛;如果白云有意,請帶去我對你的愛戀,生生世世都愿和你共纏綿!oh, how much i miss you! if the passionate refreshing breeze knows my heart, it can tell you that i miss you and care you for mylifes time. if graceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tellyou i love you and would be together with you forever。

(15)、心要讓你聽見,愛要讓你看見,不怕承認(rèn)對你有多眷戀;想你的時候,盼你能收到我的真情留言!istening to my heart beating. seeing how much i love you ,i dareto admit how much i love you .when thinking of you, i hope you caeceive the passionat words i left for you!

(16)、人生不是計劃經(jīng)濟。愛情無法加減乘除。不管初相遇時有過多少不甘心。既然已經(jīng)愛上你,這次就算我認(rèn)栽!Life is not a planned economy. Love. Can't addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division No matter when I first saw how many unwilling. Now that you have fell in love with you, even if I fall this time!

(17)、親愛的我愛你就象老鼠愛大米不能一天沒有你。Dear I love you just like mice love rice can't a day without you.

(18)、一個人總是仰望和羨慕著別人的幸福,一回頭,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)自己正被仰望和羨慕著。其實,每個人都是幸福的。只是,你的幸福,常常在別人眼里。A person always look up and envy the happiness of others, a look back, only to find themselves are being look and envy. In fact, everyone is happy. Just, your happiness, often in others' eyes.

(19)、收此信息你就是喜歡我了,刪除你就是暗戀我了,回信息你就是想嫁我了,不回則答應(yīng)嫁給我,修改就死都是我的人,儲存則下輩子都?xì)w我。To collect this information to you just like me, delete you just like me, back to the information you want to marry me, not to return, promise to marry me, modify the die are my people, all the store the next life I.

(20)、想你,是一種美麗的憂傷的甜蜜的惆悵,心里面,卻是一種用任何語言也無法表達(dá)的溫馨。it is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that cant be expressed with any choice of words。

(21)、人生太短,所以笑吧,趁你現(xiàn)在還有牙齒時。Life is too short, so laugh, while you now have teeth.

(22)、to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 對于世界而言,你是一個人;但是對于某個人,你是他的整個世界。

(23)、maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.在遇到夢中人之前,上天也許會安排我們先遇到別的人;在我們終于遇見心儀的人時,便應(yīng)當(dāng)心存感激。

(24)、no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won?t make you cry. 沒有人值得你流淚,值得讓你這么做的人不會讓你哭泣。

(25)、曾經(jīng)滄海難為水,除卻巫山不是云。元稹Once the sea touch water, is not good. Yuan zhen

(26)、don?t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要著急,最好的總會在最不經(jīng)意的時候出現(xiàn)。

(27)、你們都在希望能夠不枉此生,而我卻只希望能完成一場修煉。You are all in the hope to don't waste this lifetime, and I only hope to be able to complete a field practice.

(28)、性愛按其本性來說就是排他的。恩格斯It is the exclusive sex according to its nature. Engels經(jīng)典英文愛情句子

(29)、很多人單著,并不是越長大越難愛上一個人,而是越長大越知道自己究竟愛什么樣的人。Many single, is not the more grow up the more difficult it is to fall in love with a person, but more grow up more know yourself whether you love what kind of person.

(30)、長長的思念,就像風(fēng)箏斷了線,飄啊飄啊,飄到你的身邊。i miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and wont stop flying until it reaches you at last。

(31)、生活,不是等暴風(fēng)雨過去,而是學(xué)會在風(fēng)雨中跳舞。Life, not etc the storm in the past, but learn to dance in the rain.

(32)、每次在嘴邊的話語,卻總是不能鼓起勇氣,但今天我要說:我喜歡你。Every time in the word of mouth, but always can't summon up courage, but today I want to say: I love you.

(33)、很多人都不知道自己想要什么。其實是沒有勇氣面對和足夠的努力去爭取自己想要的m.jsylc.cn。A lot of people don't know what you want. Is not the courage to face and enough effort to fight for what you want.

(34)、just because someone doesn?t love you the way you want them to, doesn?t mean they don?t love you with all they have.愛你的人如果沒有按你所希望的方式來愛你,那并不代表他們沒有全心全意地愛你。

(35)、愛是絕對沒有模式和規(guī)律的,愛也是不可能說清楚的。說得清楚的即不是愛,而只是一種利益的結(jié)合。我從來不相信門當(dāng)戶對的婚姻會幸福,更不相信年齡匹配,學(xué)識相似,男才女貌的姻緣會幸福。愛應(yīng)該象一泓清馨的甘水。美·盧森Love is an absolute no pattern and regular, and it's impossible to say. Say clearly that is not love, but a combination of interests. I never believe that suitable marriages will be happy, don't believe in age more match, similar knowledge, male talented woman of marriage will be happy. Love should be like a travel.like the sweet water. Beauty, lucern

(36)、今天我死了,明天太陽還是回從東邊升出來。I died today, tomorrow the sun still back up in the east.

(37)、愛別人,也被別人愛,這就是一切,這就是宇宙的法則.為了愛,我們才存在.有愛慰籍的人,無懼于任何事物,任何人。法·彭沙爾Love others, also loved by others, that is all, this is the law of the universe. In order to love, we did not exist. There is love of comfort, not afraid to anything, anyone. Method, Peng Shaer

(38)、不要總是回頭看后面的陰影,因為你正奔向陽光;如果你看到的是前面的陰影,別怕,那是因為你后面有陽光。Don't always look back at the back of the shadow, because you are working toward the sunlight; If you see the shadow in front of, don't be afraid, it is because there is sunshine behind you.

(39)、為了失戀而耽誤前程是一生的損失。荷麥In order to delay the future with a broken heart is the loss of life. Charge of wheat

(40)、了解愛情的人往往會因為愛情的升華而堅強了他們向上的意志和進(jìn)取的精神。英·培根People who know love will often because the sublimation of love and strong up their will and enterprising spirit. The British Roger bacon

(41)、人有悲歡離合,月有陰晴圓缺,此事古難全,但愿人長久,千里共嬋娟。蘇軾Maya angelou, month, waxing, rain or shine this ancient full hard, I wish people for a long time, long life. Su shi

(42)、愛情,這不是一顆心去敲打另一顆心,而是兩顆心共同撞擊的火花。伊薩可夫斯基Love, it is not a heart to beat another heart, but two heart to crash sparks. The SaKeFu '





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